Here you can see some screenshot from the program. Click on the image to enlarge and see some explanation
The login page where you can set up the client, and subscribe to UDP debug messages and statistics
The same login page, on Ubuntu Linux 8.04 with GTK+
Settings page, the construction is the same as in PtokaX Windows version
The script editor: colourized (changeable), lines are numbered and the code is foldable, function usage in the lower right corner
Code completition: contains help for every Lua and PtokaX call (You can turn it off in the settings if you don't like this)
Code completition: help for SetMan.GetBool, SetMan.GetNumber, SetMan.GetString and SetProfilePermission calls
Registered users: you can order the columns to find easy what you need, and you can fully manage registered users and their profiles
Bans and rengebans: the columns can be ordered here as well, and you can add, modify and delete bans
You can manage text files: add new one, modify or delete existing
You can easily register a new user. You can also use the password generator to make a safety password.
You can create bans similar in PtokaX. It checks whether the ban is valid, and not duplicated.
You can create rangebans similar in PtokaX. It checks whether the ban is valid, and not duplicated. (even for containing rangebans)
Core statistics about the hub: uptime, version, build, users and sharesize
Statistics about NMDC commands count
CPU, memory and bandwidth statistics
Password generator can provide you safety and strong passwords to prevent from abuse
UDP debug receiver works like the official one, the messages appear on different pages, and you can log the messages into file.
About dialog with some useful links