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Changelog of the PtokaX Remote Admin application

[+] = Added [!] = Fixed/Changed [-] Removed [*] Known bugs (todo)

-= [v2.13: Initial release: 2oo9. o7. l8. ]=-

[+] Completely new Lua editor optimized for PtokaX Lua interface:
    + Code highlighting (Lua + PtokaX keywords)
    + Line numbering
    + Code completition
    + Hint for calls in the statusbar
    + Foldable margins
    + Px Lua API number arguments are selectable from a list
    + Function arguments (usage) in the statusbar
      (code parts from editor.wx.lua by J. Winwood and bracket matching code from Duncan Cross)

[+] Rewritten permission levels:
    + A profile can access only the lower profiles regs (0. profile can get/set all)
    + Profile permission modifying restrictions: the user can modify just the lower profiles (0. profile can get/set all)
    + User can give the lower profiles just the same rights as he has
    + Ptokax_Remote_Admin.lua can be modified/stopped/restarted just with 0. profile
    ! Hub side script permission reviews (unregged PRA problem + text and Lua files are separated)

[+] Option to make the client invisible in the userlist (Client name in tag must be PRA in this case!)

[+] Readded iconization while initialize the dialog, memory usage is the half as before (16 -> 8 MB)

[!] OpChat fix: if description or email is changed, the opchat is disabled and re-enabled (thx 11hh)

[!] Fixed CleanUp (erasing tables: regs,bans,rangebans,profiles)

[!] Code optimizations here and there (ideas from Lua users wiki) (eg.: string.find replaced by string.match)

[!] Syntactic sugars in tFuncs (self) + new 'modular' system

[!] Port number control's length (couldn't be > 9999) in login settings (thx 11hh/ATAG)

[!] Enable/disable controls when the client gets the bool and number settings (thx 11hh)

[!] Whitespaces in the paths are no more problem (thx ATAG)

[!] Open script in external editor no more flashes shell

[!] Register user problems : first profile shown as second ; delete old reg when nickname is modified too ; newlyregistered users modification (thx 11hh)

[!] Fixed error when user gets the regs, but the profiles not (now user get the profiles if allowed for regs, but the permissions don't)

[!] Profile permission error reporting

[!] Statustexts and tooltips now use wxStatusText and wxToolTip so it appears right on MSW (multiline)

[!] Wrong pattern in socket data parser (cmd nil error) (sorry...)

[!] Wrong English.xml.example in the settings

[!] Disabled temp(range)ban controls when permban selected & backward

[!] Fix-pack for bans (cancelling,checking containing rangebans, IP+nickban splitted)

[!] Wrong version number in tag

[!] Error in scriptlist when new script uploaded to the server (can't start/move it) (thx 11hh/ATAG)

[!] Restart script in hub-side need 2 ScriptMan.RestartScript(script)

[!] Script error showing was wrong when script start failed

[!] Registered user's with whitespace in nick/pass

[!] Statistics got it's own tab

[!] Missing $ sign in ValidateDenide NMDC command

[!] New startup screen, with inside-drawed text & new 32x32 program icon for Vista-7

[!] Images, language files and the xrc file are zip-compressed now + on MSW the libs compressed with UPX -> now the whole size of the program is less than 3 MB

[!] All scripts are copied into one file, and that's compiled for faster load

[!] Project moved to - you can find the source here as well

-= [v2.12: Initial release: 2oo8. o9. 2o. ]=-

[+] Context menu for registered users (del, mod, reload [requested by ATAG])

[+] Ban modifying and adding like in Px. GUI version (requested by 11hh)

[+] Modifying ban/rangeban and registered user by doubleclicking on it

[+] Password generator to login tab too

[+] Statistic dialog (eg. to check mem/CPU usage when loading scripts)

[+] New icon for registered users tab (thx. ATAG ;-))

[!] Speed up banlist loading

[!] Settings dialog is also resizable (rewritten XRC) -> fixed Linux GTK warning messages

[!] Reg, about, ban and rangeban dialogs moved to XRC

[!] Fixed unbanning when user is nick- and also IP banned

[!] Fixed multiple unbanning

[!] Delete script context menu

[!] Mod registered user haven't deleted old user from list when the nick field was modified

[!] Listview (banlist,reglist) sorting

[!] Scriptlist reloading [newly uploaded scripts haven't appeared, thx. ATAG]

[!] Loading script into editor failed when script had uppercase extension

[!] Less traceback to reduce memory usage and the exceptioninfo file size

[!] Replaced tray icon - it appears much better as before (now on Linux as well)

[!] Lock2Key rewritten (bitlib)

[!] Some cosmetics here and there /mainly ban-related/

-=[ v2.11: Initial release: 2oo8. o8. 23. ]=-

This is a hotfix version, contains only the most important bugfixes
Respect to ATAG and 11hh for the bugreports ^_^

[+] Good-old password generator for adding new users

[+] Performance: don't parse unnecessary strings like MyINFOs,Searches

[!] Fixed error on context menu (old function calls)

[!] Lua starting-stopping

[!] UDP debug pattern

[!] wxListCtrl sort icon

[!] os.setlocale to fix encoding problem

[!] Linux package files updated (luasocket file, wxLUA install script, hubside script,language files)

[!] Profile adding/removing and profile permissions

[!] Profile permission on moving profiles

[!] Registered users modification

[!] Unban from RC

[!] Script syntax check

[!] Save script

[*] Listview sorting...

-=[ v2.10: Initial release: 2oo8. o8. 2o. ]=-

[+] Updated to LUA-AIO 1.8 The application is platform-free now. Refer to the manuals (LUA-AIO, wxLUA and LUASocket)

[+] wxLUA updated to

[+] This version is compatible with PtokaX or newer

[+] Load settings from XML

[+] Save settings to XML - you can easily make a backup from your settings

[+] Load default settings

[+] Tooltip for statusbar to see older messages

[+] Reload text files list button

[+] Delete text file context menu

[+] Delete script context menu

[+] Many, many, and even more changes and tests for Unix OS (Thx Doni for the INCREDIBLE help in it)

[+] Some more debug info to find out crashes (computer informations and stack traceback)

[!] GUI is designed with DialogBlocks, loading is made from xrc -> GUI is resizable and fully translationable on the fly

[!] 5 secs timeout for TCP socket to avoid freeze

[!] UDP debug message receiver updated to v2.2.1 (separated tabs), rewritten save method, some annoying bugs fixed

[!] Translate has been rewritten, now the whole GUI is translated

[!] UDP debug receiver's button replaced to the main (login) tab, so you can use just for that the application

[!] Fixed problem with hub-side language file setting and tab-icons, now it doesn't show extra icon columns in the listviews

[!] Problem with restarting just one script

[!] Text files and LUA scripts saving and loading

[!] Bug in error message when users registration was changed (thx Doni)

[!] ListCtrl's FindItem first parameter corrected to -1

[!] Not working 'Open script in external editor' menu

[!] Some cosmetics: translations, stupid typo errors, missing things

[!] New about window, idea and code from CairoPad by Hakki Dogusan

[-] Removed chat support. It made me too much headache.

[-] UDP message colourizing

[*] Translation problems (encoding)

[*] Linux warnings [Attempt to allocate widget with width -5 and height 13]

-=[ v2.02: Initial release: 2oo8. ol. 2l. ]=-

[!] Some important bugfixes

-=[ v2.01: Initial release: 2oo8. ol. l8. ]=-

Thanks 11hh and ATAG for their bugreports.
The first releases have the most stupid bugs, haven't they? :-)

[+] In the client side script you can specify which profile can get which tab

[+] UDP-debug has many changes:
    + Some colours in UDP-debug messages ([SYS] = Green [ERR] = Red like in the official one)
    + Splitted mainchat and really UDP messages
    + Option to log it to a file (.log and _chat.log)
    ! Fixed error when port opening was successful, but there were no data on the socket

[+] Missing error messages in del/add/change reg

[+] Missing script editor and script error clean button event handlers

[+] Missing (range)tempunban and (range)permunban button event handlers

[+] New icon for bans tab :-)

[!] Fixed problem with taskbaricon, now it shows the app after the first click

[!] Fixed script moving, now scripts will move to the right direction

[!] Fixed error in textfiles when save button clicked

[!] Fixed bans - reloading and unbanning now works well

[!] Fixed problem with Save script pattern

[!] Fixed wrong translation on refresh scripts button

[!] Fixed scripts reloading, now every script will appear immediately

[!] Fixed problem with script loading by double-click

[!] Code cleanup and cosmetics (file-closing, on buttons: checking, motd in tSettings, taskbar tooltips)

-=[ v2.0: Initial release: 2oo7. l2. 29. ]=-

[+] Changed programming language from VB.NET to LUA-AIO - LUA5.12
    -> No more stupid framework is needed :-)
       Used libraries: - wxLUA
(If the new wxLUA with wxThread support will be released, the app will be platform free :-) )
                       - LuaSocket 2.0.1

[+] Full access for the settings (what is avaible in the LUA API also avaible here, and more :o) like texts.)

[+] Profile permission editor has been added

[+] Script moving up/down

[+] Script compile error checking

[+] Multiple selection in bans/rangebans

[+] Option to reg for UDP debug messages

[+] Fixed problems with script-editor

[+] Fixed problems with the userlist

[+] Code cleanup: the hub-side script will use less resources and bw

[*] Userlist - You can't sort it now(?), and it really slow now... :-/  
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